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ぎょーむ日誌 2002-01-07

苦情・お叱りは, たいへんお手数かけて恐縮ですが, 久保 (kubo@ees.hokudai.ac.jp) までお知らせください.

2002 年 01 月 07 日 (月)

T. Nakashizuka and Y. Matsumoto (eds.). 2002. Diversity and Interaction in a Temperate Forest Communitiy -- Ogawa Forest Reserve of Japan -- (Ecological Studies 158). Springer. ISBN 4-431-70322-5. 全 23 章 319 ペイジ (つまり一章が短い). 目次の Part 1-8.
  1. Introduction
  2. What is Ogawa Forest Reserve?
  3. Tree Community Structure and Dynamics
  4. Tree Demography
  5. Eco-physiological Studies on Tree Growth
  6. Genetic Studies of Tree Populations
  7. Interaction between Plants and Other Organisms
  8. Conclusion

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