International Workshop: Promotion of integrated terrestrial environment research under the Global Land Project Sponsor: The International Affairs, The Administration Bureau, Hokkaido University Date and Venue: 10:00 ___ 17:00, Thursday 28 July, 2005 Centennial Hall, Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan To cope with global change, new interdisciplinary research activities have been promoted by international programs WCRP, IGBP, IHDP and DIVERSITAS and their joint partnership on Earth System Science.__To collaborate, and interrelate Japanese activities with them, this workshop aims to exchange the basis of new frameworks and relevant research experience, inviting core scientists who lead international programs.__Particular focus is on the new Global Land Project under IGBP/IHDP, which recently finalized its science plan.____Many recent integrate studies by Hokkaido University members and colleagues are based on rapidly changing land systems, thereby contributing to new GLP. Tentative Titles Will Steffen, Australian Government, IGBP. Direction of integrated international initiative of Earth System Science, and terrestrial system studies.__ Dennis Ojima, Cololado State University, GLP-IGBP/IHDP Science plan and implementation strategy of the Global Land Project.__ Gregor Laumann, IHDP IPO, Bonn. Future directions of integrated terrestrial environment studies from a human dimensions perspective. Mitsuru Osaki, Hokkaido University Integrated studies for the restoration of degraded land: from the case study in Bornean peatland. Takayoshi Koike, Hokkaido University Ecosystem function of forests on different substrata. Atsuko Sugimoto, Hokkaido University Function of northern terrestrial ecosystem in earth system science. Dennis Dye, Frontier Research Center of Global Change TBA. __ Commentators Noriyuki Tanaka, IARC Alaska University of Fairbanks, FRCGC Masahiro Ichikawa, LIHN, Kyoto Conveners__(correspondence) Takashi Kohyama, Graduate School of Environmental Earth Science Mitsuru Osaki, Graduate School of Agriculture __